Position: Sit or stand, with your back straight and head up.
Movement: Put one arm up above your head, and drop your hand behind your neck and upper back, palm facing inwards, towards your back; place the other hand downwards behind your back, palm facing away from your body; gently press your hands towards each other, so that they touch, if possible. Hold the position for a count of 6. Repeat 3 times.
Repetitions and frequency: 1-3 times on each side. If one side is stiffer than the other, do more repetitions for that side.
Note: Avoid pain. Don't force the stretch. Keep your neck muscles as relaxed as possible throughout the movement. Breathe evenly, do n't hold your breath.
After injury: A late-stage exercise after injuries to the shoulder. Should be done as soon as possible after any injury to the wrist or han