Start by exercising sitting down with your legs straight, and progress to doing the exercise standing up. When you can do this exercise without difficulty, you have good control of the VMO. Practise this exercise whenever you can during your normal activities each day to prevent knee soreness and instability.
Position 1: Sit with your legs straight and knees relaxed, either on the floor or bed, or on the edge of your chair.
Position 2: Stand upright, with your legs straight, feet slightly apart, knees relaxed.
Movement: Tighten your thigh muscles to draw the kneecap upwards on your thigh. Hold for a count of 2. Relax completely, stay relaxed for a count of 6 before repeating the exercise.
Repetitions and frequency: 3-5 times, as often as possible
Movement: Tighten your thigh muscles to draw the kneecap upwards on your thigh. Hold for a count of 2. Relax completely, stay relaxed for a count of 6 before repeating the exercise.
Repetitions and frequency: 3-5 times, as often as possible

Note: In the standing position, the release of the kneecap is especially hard to feel and control, so do not try to do too many repetitions. Good control and quality of movement are vital.
After injury: When you can do this exercise properly, it shows you have made a good recovery from any injury involving the knee, especially kneecap pain syndrome. It will help prevent recurrence or secondary injury.