Vivian Grisogono


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Main working muscles: The inner-thigh muscles, which consist of the three adductors (longus, magnus and brevis), pectineus and gracilis.

Hip adductor machineSet the weight: Start with a light weight which you can handle comfortably.

Starting position: Place your legs to either side of the resistance pads, with your feet on the foot rests. Most adductor machines have a lever to bring the pads in from the fully stretched (abducted) position. If not, you may have to bring the supports together with your hands. Sit comfortably on the seat with your back straight, head supported and hands resting on the handles provided.

Action: Bring your knees together, then reverse the movement with control to stretch your thighs outwards as far as is comfortable.

Breathe normally.

Caution: Avoid pain. Do not over-stretch the thighs at the end of the reverse movement. If you cannot control the degree of stretch, or if your back and stomach muscles start to tense up, the weight is too heavy.


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